It doesn?t matter if you are young or old, male or female? riding a motorcycle is open to all, whether you?re a teenager, a young woman, or even a retired grandfather.
Every year, more and more people are deciding to take up motorcycling. Don?t be left out of the fun! Open yourself up to experience a freedom and whole new aspect to life that you?ve never imagined.
"Learn to Ride a Motorcycle" is the ultimate beginner?s guide. It will quickly get you moving in the right direction and teach you everything you need to know to start riding. Whether you want to learn to ride a motorcycle right now or are just curious to know more, this book is a must-read.
If you have no idea where to begin your motor-cycling journey, "Learn to Ride a Motorcycle" will show you the way!
Unlike other motorcycle books that are outdated, or assume you know how to ride already, or?worse? think you?re some kind of adrenaline junkie, "Learn to Ride a Motorcycle" takes you gently by the hand and starts from the very beginning?you?ll learn everything from scratch, so it?s perfect even if you don?t know anything about motorcycles at all.
From the very first page, this concise and easy-to-read guide gets right to the point. Clear instructions and a comprehensive question and answer format will take you from utter newbie to knowledgeable rider in no time at all.
And even after you?ve learned the basics, this book will teach you how to ride a motorcycle safely and in full control. "Learn to Ride a Motorcycle" offers invaluable riding tips and strategies that you?ll use for years to come. Don?t miss out on this chance to start your motorcycling career on the right foot!
You will learn how to operate a motorcycle?s controls, including proper upshifting, downshifting, braking, and cornering.
You will learn where and how to get properly licensed to ride a motorcycle. You?ll also learn what to expect on the licensing tests.
You will learn the correct mindset to have when riding, as well as techniques and habits that will help you anticipate and avoid accidents.
You will learn how to choose the proper riding gear, as well as the best places to get your gear and accessories for the best prices.
You will learn how to choose a motorcycle that?s suitable for you,and how to locate and buy a good new or used motorcycle.
Our female readers receive special woman-oriented advice, and learn how to find communities of like-minded women motorcyclists.
You will learn a multitude of riding tips, from how to safely change lanes in traffic to how to properly park your motorcycle.
?special tips just for women riders (such as how to prevent smearing your makeup when putting on your helmet).
?why a modern sportbike with an engine size greater than 600cc could be dangerous to beginning riders.
?the proper technique to lift your motorcycle from the ground if it falls, even if you are not strong.
?what road "obstacles" that you?d never expect can wipe out your motorcycle in an instant.
?how to prevent the dreaded mess of hair known as "helmet hair" that occurs after riding.
?the two most common types of single vehicle motorcycle accidents and what you can do to avoid them.
?the most common type of motorycle accident involving another vehicle and how you can avoid such an accident.
Reviewer: L. Gifford, Missouri Hi Jim, I just finished reading your book. I signed up for an msf class after I flipped the last page and I am feeling a little more confident about the whole experience. I am a petite woman and have always wanted to be more than a passenger but never got up the courage. Thanks for providing that first baby step! Update: I took the motorcycle class today and had a great time. They put me on a little Honda Rebel which was perfect for my build. I am hooked! Thanks for getting me started. I found that learning the material they gave us in class came easier for me after reading your book as well.
Reviewer: Arline, Burlington, Ontario, Canada I?ve received my e-book, have printed it out and it?s exactly what I needed and wanted. The contents fit the bill for me as I am a woman, 62, slightly built, very fit and nervous about the whole thing. I?ve always wanted to do this and it?s now or never. I am about to sign up for the driver?s training. I have researched several sites and found this book to cover everything that a beginner would need to know, unlike most of them. I would also like to add that I liked the constant emphasis on the danger and the safety aspects. At times I wondered if it were a good thing for me to do but the writer also encourages you to "follow your dream." And that?s very good indeed.
Reviewer: Randall S., Spokane, Washington "An Eye Opening Book" I had no idea about all the little facets involved with learning a to ride a motorcycle. Like an ignorant newbie, I just assumed you could hop on and ride away, like a bicycle. I am extremely glad I read this book before trying anything stupid on a motorcycle. I just got my motorcycle license and bought a used GS500E and I?m loving every minute of it! [insert cheesy grin here]. I highly recommend this ebook.
Reviewer: Erin P., Culver City , California "Learned a Lot" I?m impressed by the amount of material covered in this book. I knew literally nothing at all about motorcycles, except that I wanted to ride one? you have to ask why, being a girl who knows absolutely nobody who rides a motorcycle. Or "bike" I guess I should say. Go figure. Anyway, I just passed my license test and I?m so excited about getting a bike of my own. I definitely learned a lot.
Reviewer: Harry Humphries, Orlando, Florida "Thanks Jim" Hello? Read?more?
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